A Holistic Approach to Valuing our Culture
Publicat per Interacció el 21/01/2014 - 12:04 | Última modificació: 11/12/2015 - 14:58
Claire Donovan | Department for Culture, Media & Sport
This paper summarises attempts to develop a more holistic approach to measuring cultural value, embracing both economic and non-economic factors. Two workshops are summarised that were run with cultural sector stakeholders, a blog written by the author of the report, and desk research. It suggests the sector is more accepting of the need for economic measures than is commonly believed, but noneconomic ones are needed. The report recommends Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) set up an online resource providing a ‘stepby-step’ guide on what kinds of evidence to use in making a case for funding and in what context. Appendices provide links to resources on a range of possible approaches to measuring ‘value’. PDF Holistic Approach to Valuing our Culture
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