Foundation Grants to Arts and Culture, 2011 A One-year Snapshot
Foundation Grants to Arts and Culture, 2011 A One-year Snapshot
Steven Lawrence, Reina Mukai | GIA Reader, Vol 24, No 3 (Fall 2013)
Giving by US foundations rose nearly 7 percent to a record $49 billion in 2011. After adjusting for inflation, however, foundation giving remained below the peak level reported in 2008. Despite continued economic volatility, many foundations appeared to have settled into a “new normal” of budget stability or modest annual increases in support combined with continued caution about making large, multiyear commitments.
In contrast to the single-digit increase in foundation giving overall, the following analysis shows that a matched set of the nation’s largest foundations raised their grant authorizations by a remarkable 25 percent overall between 2010 and 2011. Yet among these same foundations, arts funding was basically unchanged. It remains unclear whether there is potential for substantial growth in foundation funding for the arts over the next several years
Public Funding for the Arts: 2013 Update
Ryan Stubbs | GIA Reader, Vol 24, No 3 (Fall 2013)
Public funding for the arts in the United States continues to originate from three primary sources: federal appropriations to the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), legislative appropriations to the nation’s state arts agencies, and direct expenditures on the arts by local governments. Fiscal year 2013 was a mixed year for these funding streams. State and local government revenues posted positive gains, but public budgets are still feeling some residual effects of an extended recession, combined with a high degree of uncertainty regarding federal funding. Budget growth for states, counties, and municipalities was therefore limited in FY2013. This pattern in turn affected appropriations to the arts: aggregate appropriations to state and local arts agencies both showed modest increases, while federal appropriations to the NEA declined by 5 percent
PDF Arts Funding Snapshot: GIA's Annual Research on Support for Arts and Culture
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