Arts Development UK’s latest survey on arts spending in local authorities in England and Wales 2013/14
Arts Development UK (AD:uk) has just completed its tenth annual local authority spending survey to assess the level of arts spending for 2013/14. The survey shows continued and significant changes to budgets in local authority arts spending. As of August 2013, 133 local authorities in England and Wales have no dedicated arts officer and have no direct arts service. This represents 35.3% of all authorities in England and Wales. The remaining 64.7% have services that are vulnerable to cuts and like the rest of the local authority cultural sector and the majority are operating in reduced financial circumstances.
The 2013 survey shows what is important to arts services currently provided by local authorities:
- Arts services are increasingly important in improving the quality of life for local communities and helping to address social, health and wellbeing issues in local areas
- The downward trend in most areas of activity continues; and although an element of stabilisation in the short-term that occurred in 2012/13 continues, the long term is still expected to bring further budget cuts and changes
- There is a growing need for Arts Services to demonstrate their economic value.
PDF Local Authority Arts Investment Survey Report 2013
Font: Arts Development UK
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