Business support of not-for-profit organizations
Arts Research Monitor Volume: 12 Issue: 2 19 June 2013
In this issue: Four Canadian reports examining business donations and sponsorships of not-for-profit organizations in Canada.
Canadian Corporate Community Investment Benchmarking Report
Executive Summary
Based on a 2012 survey of 180 community investment professionals working in Canadian businesses, this report examines how businesses support community initiatives. The survey found that the four most common types of community investments are “contributing money to community organizations; providing contributions through sponsorships or marketing activities; providing in-kind resources, services and goods; and supporting employee volunteering programs”.
The Who, How, What and Why of Corporate Community Investment in Canada
A summary of findings from the Canada Survey of Business Contributions to Community
Based on a survey of 1,500 businesses, this fact sheet highlights select findings regarding the corporate community investment practices of all responding businesses as well as a breakout of 93 larger corporations (revenues over $25 million). The survey found that 76% of all businesses provided funding to not-for-profit organizations. Almost all large corporations (97%) did so. The broader business community gave a slightly larger percentage of their pre-tax profits (1.25%) than large corporations (1%).
Corporate Community Investment Practices, Motivations and Challenges
Findings from the Canada Survey of Business Contributions to Community (presentation)
Based on the same survey of the community investment practices of 1,500 businesses as other reports from Imagine Canada, this presentation provides detailed findings regarding corporate community investment practices, motivations, and challenges. Regarding business views of not-for-profit organizations, the survey found that 73% of all businesses agree that “charities and nonprofits generally improve the quality of life in Canada”.
Insights for Strategic Corporate Fundraising
Further findings from the Canada Survey of Business Contributions to Community
Based on the same survey of the community investment practices of 1,500 businesses as other reports from Imagine Canada, this report examines which industry sectors tend to provide different types of support. The goal of this information is to help not-for-profit organizations “tailor their corporate fundraising to the sectors that are most likely to be responsive to their specific needs”.
Font: Hill Strategies Research
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