Museums 2020 prompts debate over the future of museums
Geraldine Kendall, 13.03.2013
Responses to consultation reveal sector's priorities for the future
The Museums Association’s Museums 2020 campaign has prompted a thought-provoking debate over what areas of work museums should prioritise in the future.
Last year the MA held a consultation with the sector into its Museums 2020 discussion paper. In all, 62 museums, organisations and individuals sent full written responses, while a further 113 people handed in responses after attending a series of Museums 2020 workshops.
These have been collated into a consultation report published this week which will inform a final vision for the sector due out this summer. The Museums 2020 is currently undertaking further research into what the public thinks about museums. The results of this will be published next month.
To find out more about Museums 2020, click here
For the full report on the consultation, click here (word)
Font: Museums Association
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