Bibliografia sobre l’impacte econòmic de les biblioteques: Value of Libraries Megapost. Stephen Abram
I have been pulling together all of my posts on studies and reports on the value of public libraries for my work with the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries. I thought I might as well post it here too. I’m sure I’ve got some dupes in here but c’est la vie! Hope you find it useful! There are many useful talking points and proofs in this research. We look forward to the value studies report from the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto that is in process right now for Toronto Public Library that is expected to be released in late 2013.
The Value of Public Libraries Selected (mostly free) Web References:
CULC Analysis of Canadian Public Library Trends
In 2011 the Canadian Urban Libraries Council commissioned a study of library trends over the last decade.
An Analysis of Public Library Trends is useful document for Canadian public library advocates, leaders and planners.
Video: LibValue: Comprehensive Approaches to Defining Library Value
Tactic: Highlighting the Value of Library Use
Research Report conducted by Fels Institute of Government, University of Pennsylvania Fels Research & Consulting entitled The Economic Value of the Free Library in Philadelphia (2010) Fels_Report
Texas Public Libraries Return on Investment Study Available
https://www.tsl.state.tx.us/sites/default/files/public/tslac/pubs/ROI_Final.pdf (223 page PDF)
The Value of Our Libraries:
Impact, Recognition and Influencing Funders by Stephen Abram, http://stephenslighthouse.com/files/ArkansasLA_Value.pdf
Upping Our Game: Unlocking Real Value in Libraries (Information Today) by Stephen Abram http://www.infotoday.com/cilmag/jun13/Abram–Upping-Our-Game–Unlocking-Real-Value-in-Libraries.shtml
A Snapshot of Priorities & Perspectives: US Public Libraries – OCLC
Font: Stephen’s Lighthouse
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