Johannes Novy ; Claire Colomb | International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol. 37, Issue 5, September 2013
Abstract In cities across the globe there is mounting evidence of growing mobilization by members of the so-called ‘creative class’ in urban social movements, defending particular urban spaces and influencing urban development. This essay discusses the meaning of such developments with reference to the hypothesis made by David Harvey in Spaces of Capital about the increasing mobilization of cultural producers in oppositional movements in an era of wholesale instrumentalization of culture and ‘creativity’ in contemporary processes of capitalist urbanization. After briefly reviewing recent scholarly contributions on the transformations of urban social movements, as well as Harvey's hypothesis about the potential role of cultural producers in mobilizations for the construction of ‘spaces of hope’, the essay describes two specific urban protests that have occurred in Berlin and Hamburg in recent years: the fight for Berlin's waterfront in the Media Spree area, and the conflict centred on the Gängeviertel in Hamburg. In both protests artists, cultural producers and creative milieux have played a prominent role. The essay analyses the composition, agenda, contribution and contradictions of the coalitions behind the protests, discussing whether such movements represent the seeds of new types of coalitions with a wide-ranging agenda for urban change. The essay finally proposes a future research agenda on the role of artists, cultural producers and the ‘creative class’ in urban social movements across the globe.
Economia social, sector cultural i creatiu, una nova emprenedoria social i cultural
SMart | Pour la Solidarité
El sector cultural i creatiu s’inscriu sovint dins el model d’empresa social perquè l’objectiu primer de les seves produccions no és lucratiu sinó cultural i artístic i perquè comparteix nombrosos punts comuns amb aquest model. En quin punt la cultura i l’economia social es relacionen i com fan d’aquesta aliança un motor per al desenvolupament dels territoris? L’empresa social SMart i el ‘think tank’ europeu ‘Por la Solidarité’ tracten de respondre a aquetes qüestions en aquestes dues publicacions, una dedicada a la realitat de França i l’altre a la regió valona de Bèlgica.
Aquests dos quaderns, números 34 i 35 de la col·lecció ‘Cahiers pour la solidarité’, tenen el propòsit de ressaltar les interseccions existents entre cultura i economia social i identificar, a través de bones pràctiques i recomanacions, estratègies concretes per desenvolupar projectes culturals i artístics inscrits dins la nova economia social. L’objectiu general és mirar de respondre a les necessitats dels territoris dins una lògica de transició econòmica, social i mediambiental.