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Economic Development in the Contemporary Global Environment: The Role of Place Branding as a Tool of Local Economic Development

Evan P. Cleave |  University of Western Ontario - Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. Paper 2065


Over the past three decades, place branding has emerged as a strategy for local economic development for municipalities in Canada and globally, as communities seek to (re)assert themselves in a dynamic global economic market. Due to the infancy of the research domain – as it has only been in the last 15 years that place branding has received critical academic attention – there are several major lacunae within the existing scholarship: (i) current research is primarily focused on Europe; (ii) research has mainly focused on nation branding and the largest urban centres, so place branding within ‘typical’ municipalities is not well understood; (iii) there are few testable models or hypotheses that have been developed; (iv) most is conducted through one-off case studies, and therefore it is difficult to make generalizations or conclusions; and (v) most place branding privileges tourism attraction as the context of study.

Museos 2.0. Hacia una sociedad conectada

Asociación Española de Museólogos | Revista de museología #56 (2013)

L’últim número de la «Revista de museología» tracta sobre l’ús de les tecnologies 2.0 als museus. El volum recull les intervencions realitzades a les dues edicions de la trobada “Arte y un café” celebrades a la Universitat Complutense de Madrid el 2012 i 2013, on estudiants i professionals van intercanviar reflexions teòriques i experiències pràctiques. Una de les principals conclusions va ser que el concepte de museu social implica noves formes de comunicació a la xarxa, però també un canvi de mentalitat i de mètodes de treballs.