
Hacking Culture 2017: Guia per organitzar hackatons culturals

Ivonne Jansen-Dings, Dick van Dijk, Robin van Westen | Waag Society

Què és una hackató? Per a què serveix? Com se n’organitza una i quins beneficis pot aportar al sector cultural? La guia que presentem és un recull de consells i bones pràctiques basades en les activitats de l’Europeana Space, un projecte dissenyat per identificar les oportunitats que ofereixen les indústries creatives i els recursos digitals culturals, especialment en l’àmbit del patrimoni digital europeu. A partir de l’experiència adquirida organitzant sis hackatons en diverses ciutats europees, i centrant-se en el Bootcamp d’Amsterdam de 2015, «Hacking Culture» explora l’ús de les hackatons en el sector cultural i comparteix les lliçons apreses perquè qui ho desitgi pugui muntar una hackató d’èxit.

Concurs Europeana per a desenvolupadors d’apps, jocs i llocs Web


Europeana, el portal d’entrada a més de 30 milions de documents històrics i culturals, en format digital, procedents dels fons de museus, biblioteques, galeries i arxius europeus, convoca el concurs Europeana Creative Challenge per ajudar als desenvolupadors a construir un model de negoci viable amb la reutilització dels continguts digitals procedents del patrimoni cultural europeu.

The value of Europeana : the welfare effects of better access to digital cultural heritage

J. Poort, R. van der Noll, R. Ponds, W. Rougoor, J. Weda | SEO Economisch Onderzoek

In 2008, Europeana was launched as a service platform for digital cultural heritage and content from libraries, archives, galleries and museums from all over the European Union. The aim was to make Europe’s rich cultural heritage accessible for all. Since its launch, the number of records in the Europeana database, of Europeana Network members and of visitors to its website have grown rapidly. 

Museums connecting cultural tourists: more substance over style, please

Museums should engage tourists with content rather than brand, says Sejul Malde, for the sake of themselves – and the sector

Museums with strong brands or those that inhabit iconic buildings are increasingly used as cultural motifs in the destination-marketing strategies of public tourist bodies. Recent examples include the use of the British Museum in Visit Britain's Culture is Great campaign, or the Turner Contemporary as a symbol of Margate's brand enhancement.

The latest figures from the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions (ALVA) once again underlined the importance of museums to the visitor economy. Meanwhile, the new Arts Council England and Visit England partnership, which aims to help destinations develop their cultural tourism, provides an opportunity for museums to take a strategic lead in this area. But could it also result in greater reliance on marketing-orientated approaches that might not benefit the entire museum sector?