«Culture unbound»: ‘Current issues in european cultural studies’ & ‘Feminist cultural studies’

La revista «Culture unbound: journal of current cultural research» publica dues noves seccions temàtiques. La primera, editada per Ferda Keskin, fa un diagnòstic de l’estat actual dels estudis culturals als diferents països europeus. La segona, editada per Fanny Ambjörnsson i Hillevi Ganetz examina la relació entre els estudis culturals i els estudis de gènere. Tots els articles provenen de la conferència ‘Current issues in European cultural studies’, celebrada el juny de 2011 a Norrköping (Suècia) amb l’objectiu de reflectir la heterogeneïtat de la recerca cultural contemporània.

Culture unbound, vol. 5, 2013

Thematic Sections of 2013

Johan Fornäs, Martin Fredriksson & Jenny Johannisson


Reports and Reflections from the Field: Current Issues in European Cultural Studies 

Ferda Keskin  European Cultural Studies: Pathways in an Unbound Geography

Mica Nava  Cultural Studies, History and Cosmopolitanism in UK

Udo Göttlich  Cultural Studies and Sociology of Culture in Germany: Relations and Interrelations

Gönül Pultar  Cultural Studies in Turkey: The State of the Art

Sofia Sampaio  Portuguese Cultural Studies / Cultural Studies in Portugal: Some Thoughts on the Making and Remaking of a Field

Anne Scott Sørensen‘Something is at Stake’: Northern European Cultural Studies – Where, How, and Why?

Aljoša Pužar  The Boratization Revisited: Thinking the ‘South’ in European Cultural Studies

Feminist Cultural Studies

Edited by Hillevi Ganetz & Fanny Ambjörnsson   Introduction: Feminist Cultural Studies

Anna Lundberg  ‘Will We be Tested on This?’ Schoolgirls, Neoliberalism and the Comic Grotesque in Swedish Contemporary Youth Theatre

Kirsten Hvenegård-Lassen  Disturbing Femininity

Tiina Rosenberg  The Soundtrack of Revolution: Memory, Affect, and the Power of Protest Songs

Kalle Berggren  Degrees of Intersectionality: Male Rap Artists in Sweden Negotiating Class, Race and Gender

Claudia Lindén  Virtue as Adventure and Excess: Intertextuality, Masculinity, and Desire in the ‘Twilight Series’

Kristina Fjelkestam  Gendering Cultural Memory: Balzac’s ‘Adieu’

Helena Wahlström  Reproduction, Politics, and John Irving’s ‘The Cider House Rules’: Women’s Rights or ‘Fetal Rights’?

Helena Tolvhed  Sex Dilemmas, Amazons and Cyborgs: Feminist Cultural Studies and Sport

Magdalena Petersson McIntyre  Perfume Packaging, Seduction and Gender

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